Monday, April 23, 2012

first harvest::rhubarb

first harvest:: rhubarb

over the weekend i enjoyed my first garden harvest of this year...rhubarb. all of these beautiful red stalks made their way over to my sister-in-law's house on saturday and were turned into a beautiful crisp and a beautiful galette in celebration of my newest nephew's baptism.  i was happy to contribute this fruit from my garden (and i know i will have many more rhubarb harvests over this season). rhubarb was a food that i had never even tasted six years ago, before i moved to minnesota and i am sad that i spent so much of my life missing out on this delicious early spring beauty!  since moving here, though, i've more than made up for my decades without rhubarb.

two years ago, i posted a list of rhubarb recipes that i've tried, here (along with a recipe for rhubarb orange compote).  this year, i'd like to try some rhubarb vanilla ice cream. what's your favorite thing to do with rhubarb? and what has your first harvest been so far this year?


  1. I haven't grown rhubarb before but my first experience was a rhubarb pie at a farmers market right off the Appalachian Trail in New Jersey. Good!

  2. My grandma used to can rhubarb every summer... she'd serve it to me in strawberry/rhubarb pies or (sometimes even better) simple rhubarb compote over vanilla ice cream. In the winter months it would be like a little bite of summer. YUM! I bought some at Madison's first outdoor farmer's market this past weekend. Plan to make some compote for my yogurt mornings :)

  3. Rhubarb vanilla ice cream sounds devine, make sure to share that recipe please!! :)

  4. yest cake with cumble;) ever!
