Monday, April 25, 2011


sometimes, the hardest part of gardening is waiting. i am a zone 7 girl living in zone 4. spring snows happen frequently here in vermont.


our little backyard garden was covered in snow just two days ago.

field garden

but, the snow melted the next day. we already planted our large, sunny field garden with green peas, radishes, and lettuce but not a seed has sprouted. we may have to plant again if the seeds don't germinate. it's fine. we have plenty of seeds leftover.

when planting your vegetable garden, it is important to remember the following:
  • be patient
  • wait for the soil to dry out or your seeds could rot
  • direct sow seeds based on your region's last frost date
  • amend your soil only if necessary--take a soil test before amending (usually your local university extension will offer this test at a minimal cost)
  • be patient
just last night while at a party someone said that they thought spring was having a breech birth this year. so true. while we're waiting for things to ramp up in our garden, we are enjoying the first of the daffodils and the coltsfoot that line the ditches on our dirt road. such vibrant yellows cheer us even on these windy and dark, cloudy days.



  1. yay! i'm so excited you are doing this, shari. what a perfect way to share all of your master gardener knowledge and experience with others. i loved this post and am very much looking forward to learning more about gardening in zone 4 from you. thank you for doing this!

  2. oh, patience. wish it wasn't so hard. love this new project!

  3. I have learnt so much from gardening and continue to learn new lessons all the time. Not to mention the joy it brings with each little victory, each small sprout which shows it's green head above the soil.
